
We assess the needs of your HR staff, senior management and employees, develop targeted in-house training concepts and programs and carry these out. In individual cases, we also coach senior managers.

We provide training in such areas as

  • Executive development:
    Individual training and programs incl. the development of leadership ideals using the
    "Führungs-Omega-Prinzip" (© by Arne Priess) (Omega Principle of Leadership)
  • HR project management
  • Project management (general) incl. introduction of project management standards
  • Holding job interviews
  • Talks with returning employees
  • Separation processes
  • Communication as the basis for mutual success
  • Difficult discussions with employees
  • Time management

g-MBTI-Logo kleinParticularly when it comes to the development of senior management, adequate self-reflection is a must, because "only those who can manage themselves can manage others". To assist in this process, we use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a widely used personality assessment procedure..
HR CONTRAST is licensed to use this testing method and can introduce it in the course of personnel development or recruitment in order to improve results.



© Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs und MBTI sind registrierte Warenzeichen des Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Ländern.